Jupyter Frontends Team Compass#
This page contains links to the notes from team meetings with the JupyterLab community. For more some more technical information and links to various JupyterLab repositories, see the Team Compass README.
Team Compass Resources#
The following pages contain information about the JupyterLab Council, resources for community members, and team practices for governance and planning.
Why have a Team Compass?#
This repository helps the Jupyter Frontends team set a weekly course for project activity. Our overriding goal is continuous team and project improvement.
As projects and their growth evolve rapidly, the contents of this repo should aid us in setting project direction and adjusting the course as needed. The repo contains:
team meeting agendas and archives
direction and action plans
communication and culture of respectful teamwork
recognitions and team celebrations
We sail together#
While we value each others individual strengths and contributions, we succeed or fail as a team. Whether taking corrective actions for a bug or being recognized for good work, the team, instead of an individual, shoulders the burden and success.
Code of Conduct#
The JupyterLab community follows the broader Jupyter Community’s Code of Conduct.